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English Teaching job from a Public school in Zhongshan, Guangdong Province

Education/Teaching | Full-time | Zhongshan | Posted by:chinaexpat8808     Apr 12 11:23      share
Email:2206342117@qq.com    Tel:13971621820     Working City:Zhongshan   Hits:

Job Details:

-Vacancy: 1 

-Type of job: Full-time, 16 lessons per week, need to work in office for 8 hours on weekday, Weekends off. Teaching oral English, and training of English teachers.

-Location: a public middle school in Zhongshan city, Guangdong province.

-Students: first year of middle school

-Start date: end of August

Qualification &Requirements
-Bachelor degree or above.

-Having 2 years above teaching experience , TEFL or TESOL.

-Native English speaker 


-12k-13k/m before tax

-free accommodation(100RMB allowance of water, electric and internet per month)

-flight allowance of 8K on expiration of contract, and tourism allowance of 2k, with proper pay during summer(negotiable) and winter(5k) vacation.

Documents needed:
-Resume and recent photos
-Photocopy of passport and visa(can provide working visa)

 How to apply:

please email your CV,photo and documents to Sunny


Report Abuse     Jobs Offered ID: 13420

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